L Ramkumar currently lives in Chennai. He is on the Board of Shanthi Gears Ltd, and the Board of Igarashi Motors India Ltd as an Independent Director. He is a Member of the Board of Governors of IIM Bodhgaya. He is member of The Chennai Angels (TCA) network. He has been mentoring startups at TCA as well as IITM Incubator Cell.
Ramkumar retired from a full-time role as Managing Director of Tube Investments of India Ltd in August 2018 after a successful stint for over 10 years in the position. He has been heading businesses or companies over the last 25 years of his career. He was CFO of TII before moving onto a business role. He has been a part of the Boards and the committees of listed companies over the last 25 plus years. His experience has been in sectors such as bicycles, supply chain partner in auto industry, industrial products such as gearboxes and gears, chains and belts, polymer products, telecom cables and optical fiber.
Ramkumar’s contribution has been in the areas of financial turnaround, fundraising, investor relations, market share improvement, export growth, creating a customer centric culture, setting up greenfield projects, M&A, development of leadership pipeline, innovative marketing strategies for the bicycle business, like the retail focus and driving the concept of cycling for fitness and as a sport.
Ramkumar was the President of The Madras Management Association (2018/19). He was awarded the Business Leader of the Year 2018 by Loyola Alumni Association. He has played a key role in mentoring senior leadership as well, in the various assignments His interests are Music, Cricket.